• Create your own NFT without having to know anything about Solidity or Ethereum!
  • Instant NFTs are ERC721 NFTs that you own. As the owner of the ERC721, you have full control over the NFT and what you do with it.
  • Instant NFTs are very efficient to create - a fraction of the cost of if you tried to deploy your own ERC721 on Ethereum.
  • Instant NFT is an amazing turnkey solution.

Create an NFT

To create an NFT, fill out the form below. Before your NFT becomes operational, you need to add a Gyve script that will generate the metadata (and possibly the data) for the NFT.

We provide several sample templates to get you started.

Most of the fields are self explanatory, except for the salt field. The salt is the global identifier for your NFT, similar to the slug on OpenSea. It needs to be globally unique.

Since we just deployed our contracts to mainnet, whitelisting is currently turned on (temporarily) for creating NFTs. If you want to get on the whitelist, visit our Discord and make a request. It's a quick process, we are accepting all requests.

Create Gyve Script

A Gyve script is required to create the metadata for your NFT. You can also use Gyve (and Fyrd) to create the data for your NFT if you want your NFT to be fully on chain. Gyve and Fyrd can generate amazing on chain experiences, but obviously cannot cover all possible scenarios.

Choose one of the templates to get started. This will populate the editor with a Gyve script.

You can keep editing, testing, and saving until you are satisfied with the NFT output.

Videos - Customizing Your NFT

On Chain

Load On Chain example Gyve and Fyrd. This is similar to the Yeps code.


Load Gyve for a project using p5.js.


Load Gyve for a project using three.js.


Load Gyve for a project using babylon.js.
Errors (should be empty)